Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mind the Gap.

A little over ten years ago I got to hear Ira Glass (the awesomeness behind This American Life on radio and TV, cousin to Philip) give a lecture at a local university. It was really cool and he sat in the dark with a soundboard and it was just like listening to him on the radio. Except it was live. And you couldn't pause it to pee. Anyway, part of his lecture was about the gap between taste and talent. You know, that period of time when you want to be creating something but you also know that you kind of suck.  It struck me and I was really moved. Ira really spoke to me.

Well, turns out Ira is a bit of a wisdom whore because he has since gone on to give this advice over and over (and over) again.  Really.  Just Google "Ira Glass Taste Talent" and see what I mean. I don't blame him, either.  It's good advice and, hell, if I came up with something that good I'd tell it over and over to anyone who would listen, too. (Hey! Come to think of it, Ira Glass and my Dad are a lot alike.)

So, I guess what I'm saying is: if there is a quality issue of any kind with this blog you can blame Ira Glass.